The following is an example of how to create an E-Mail message.

mail2.gif (9489 bytes)

This message is simple and to the point. I am sending a message to a single user. I will move my mouse pointer to the "Send" button and click it. The application will contact my E-Mail server to notify it that I wish to send a message. Earlier, I used the post office to deliver my mail. I am putting an "e-mail" in my mailbox waiting for the E-Mail post office to take my mail. The E-Mail server will look at the "sender’s address" and ship the "e-mail" to the E-Mail server of the "sender’s address".

image11.gif (4253 bytes)


It should be known that the United States Postal Service is more reliable in delivering your mail than the Internet. There will be a small percentage of your messages that will not be delivered. The Postal Service has standardized the equipment and procedures to deliver the mail. The Internet relies on individual E-Mail systems to communicate with other individual systems over an informal network There are many points of failure. Don’t get me wrong. I would say that over 99.5% of your messages will be delivered. If there is a problem, you will be notified that the message you sent was not delivered. Most E-Mail systems will try for several days to deliver your message.

The most common action when you receive an E-Mail message is to send a reply to the person who sent it to you. First, you move the mouse to the "Re:Mail" button and click it. The application will display another window. The "Reply" E-Mail message will display a copy of the message that was sent to you. Why would this happen?

Remember that the purpose of E-Mail on the Internet was used to coordinate projects. After replying to the same E-Mail message several times, the message provides a trail of the discussion.

There is another benefit for placing a copy of the original message in your reply. You can answer the message point by point. In this example, I was informed by A.T. & T.ä of a browser upgrade. I asked where the browser is located.

mail11.jpg (99411 bytes)